"Beloved Father, Brother, and Friend. "
He loved fishing, bowling, and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. He loved Dunkin Donuts coffee, South Carolina BBQ, and omelets. He loved old westerns and Law and Order. He loved Michael Jackson and Bob Seger. He had a thunderous and infectious laugh. He rocked a jheri curl well into the ‘90s. He was deeply devoted to his family and took his role as provider seriously. He was a generous and comforting friend and a formidable colleague. He valued his privacy highly. He rarely made it through a full movie without falling asleep – even in movie theaters. He was funny – actually, he was very funny. He was a devout Christian. He took great pride in his car and in his hair and he protected both with great zeal. He lived simply and never longed for riches. He was pensive and observant – a natural problem-solver. He was strict, but never callous; he could be punishing, but always fair. He had the temper of a lion, but the disposition of a kitten. He loved – and he loved fiercely, truly, and deeply.
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