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December 12, 1977 - June 1, 2018
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"Richard was a very loving, kind and giving person. He expressed his love for others by doing good deeds in life, and being a donor even in death."

At the young and tender age of 40, Richard suddenly passed away 10 minutes into the 1 hour drive to pick his wife up from work. While driving, Richard lost his vision completely, and his first thought was to get his 10 year old daughter and 23 year old nephew to safety. He told his nephew he couldn’t see, where this gave his nephew the ability to assist him in getting the vehicle into a parking lot by grabbing the wheel and steering it into the parking lot. Once in the parking lot, he put the vehicle in park and his last words were “Your going to have to drive”, and then he passed away. Richard gave of himself in so many ways in life without expectations and because he believed in doing good unto others regardless of how people treated him. His belief was that no matter what, doing unto others as you would have done unto you was what he believed was the best policy. He always said that those who treated others badly would have to answer to God, and by doing good deeds he knew he was doing what was right. In death, Richard gave of himself one last time to others where he could make a difference and to help another person in need of something he had to give. Our family believed wholeheartedly the same values as Richard, and in living by the same values, as a family we decided to give all the donations we know Richard would have wanted to donate. In lieu of his sudden death, we love and miss him with all of our hearts, but we know that Richards love and memory will live on through those who receive his gifts.

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Celebrate the Life of
Richard Halliday

Well, I saw you pass…and I miss you terribly dad, you were a very funny person. I’ll miss your smile, your laugh, your touch, your kisses, your tickles, and your hugs. I love you.

McCayla Halliday Jul 19 2018

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