Say "Yes" Today
October 3, 1989 - November 13, 2023
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"Before our loved one passes into the ancestral kingdom, we battle denial until acceptance takes root. Quanita Yvette Summers I lift you up with love."

Ka ma gbria (Thank you for yesterday) Quanita. Your stubborn independence, quick wit, love of family, eye for fashion, just all of you will be missed. You became all that I wished for at your age.
You lived your life as you imagined it when you were a little girl. Moved to Florida; traveling / great vacations; building an amazing circle of friends; making a difference in others’ lives where you could; smart, loving, giving. I could not have asked for more from you. I love being the one chosen to be your mother. I return you to God and he will be pleased with you.

Dear God, Please Take Care Of My Little Girl
© Terry Gouveia

Dear God, please take care of my little girl,
The one with big eyes and soft brown curls.
She was special, as you should know.
I really didn’t want to let her go.

She touched the hearts of everyone she knew.
Letting her go was so hard to do.
Her smile could brighten up the darkest room.
I wish you didn’t have to take her so soon.



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