"To my humble and caring mother , you will always live in my spirit. "
It is really true, one does not know what is has until is lost. Ma, I never thought you will leave so soon. I always had the desire to see you living your life to the fullest once again. You understood me so well, like no one does. Your young spirit, characterized you and everyone that knew you well, knew how humble and caring you were. I miss you like crazy and I regret every moment I did not appreciate the chance to spend time with you. My biggest desire is that our souls will reunite again. Until that happens, I hope you are at peace and that you had your encounter with eternity and with your loving mother. You showed me how to care for others, to embrace diversity and to respect every living being in our planet. I see you in every song we enjoyed together and music is one of the biggest connections I now have with you. I love you mom and I will continue your legacy for the rest of my life on earth.
Your daughter,
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