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JUNE 6,1998-FEBRUARY 17,2012
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"We are all very proud of you! We miss and love you very much!"

My daughter Hailey Power passed away on Feb.17.2012 due to a house fire. She was always caring for others and thinking how she could help others and make the world a better place. Well on that day my best friend was called home to be with Jesus. Even though my heart was shattered, hers went on to save a life, and for that i am very thankful. Hailey was a very outgoing child her whole life, always helping others. She was a cheerleader and also played on the tennis team at her middle school. She loved reading, but her most important things in life where her sister and brother. Hailey’s favorite quote was “It’s better to GIVE than to ever RECEIVE”, and she did just that in her sort time here on earth. Hailey was 14 years old she had a sister named Anna that was 10 years old and a brother that is now 15 years old. She definitely lived life to the absolute fullest!!! Everyone misses her sweet smile, but we continue to let her light shine through us as we always remember the good time’s we shared with her. Gone But Never Forgotten!!!

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