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January 2, 1971 - January 26, 2022
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"Frank was an Amazing guitarist, and an equally amazing Computer engineer. He had so much talent and was loved and admired by so many."

Husband, Dad, Son, Friend…people who have met Frank (or Frank the Tank as he’s known by his music buddies, and fans) know what a great guy he was. Always trying to make people laugh. Almost always had a smile on his face. His talent in the music world, and the computer field will be missed terribly. He almost always dreamed about his issues at work, and most of the time could solve them in those dreams. He could listen to a song once or twice, and play it back to you on his guitar. He could always get me to smile even if I was angry at him. He was definitely multi talented.

Frank loved our kid more than anything in the entire world, and would tell everyone about her.  He also loved animals, and even though he was allergic to most of the furry ones he encountered he just had to get our little one a bunny one year for Easter. He would do anything for that kid.

We will miss his smile, his laugh, his characteristic sarcasm.

We love you Frank/Dad/ Frank the Tank….always and forever.

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