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Say "Yes" Today
11/29/1962 - 10/6/2012
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"For our Dad; We love you!"

Our Father was a man full of life and humor! He could have anyone smiling and laughing, even on a bad day! It was just his nature to have you laughing uncontrollably. Through the loss of our Dad there is also a gain.. he was able to give someone the gift of life which is incredible and helps me through this time of grievance.

He worked as a conductor with CSX Transportation and was very involved with his local American Legion Post 181 where he served as the senior vice commander, and was a founder and member of the American Legion Riders Post 181. Riding motorcycles and spending time with friends is something he enjoyed the most.

There isn’t a day that’s went by where Jake and I haven’t thought about you, we miss and love you so much Daddy! As Jake is growing up he is looking more like you everyday! I see you all over when I look at him, almost feels like you’re still here. We know you’ll be looking down and watching over us everyday. Even though we had our differences you know I’ll always love you, it will never stop! I hope you are proud of us for what we’ve done so far and still whats to come.

Love Always,

your children

Brittany & Jake

Perhaps my time seemed all too brief

Don’t lengthen it now with undue grief.

Lift up your heart and share with me.

God wanted me now; He set me free.

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Celebrate the Life of
Edward "Ed" Aspinwall

Celebrating the Life of Edward "Ed" Aspinwall

Brittany & Jake Aspinwall Oct 27 2017

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