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2/28/1970 - 9/14/2015
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"My beautiful mommy, we will miss you so much. You were all we had..."

My mother was a strong, wise, loving, caring friend, mother, wife, daughter and sister. She taught her daughters to be strong women. She brought her family together. She was a very smart and talented women… she left behind husband (Gary Chaney, 55), two daughters (Magan, 27 and Holleigh, 24), 3 grandchildren (Austin, 10; Stevin, 3; Nataleigh, 2 and a half). She was the best mother, role model, teacher and friend… Her spirit lives inside of us and all around us… We made promises that are and will always keep… No one will ever take your place, mommy dearest… We think of you all the time, some of us more than others.

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