"My husband Charles "Charley" Sweat was a strong loving caring funny man. He was the world's best husband father and son."
My husband is an amazing man he was always helping every one his heart was bigger the than the whole universe.
Charley will be forever missed he was the love of my life we were married for 24 years with 3 great children and 1 grandson on the way. Charley will be very happy to know that he is able to help more people from heaven.
I was and truly blessed to have been by his wife and by his side and the mother of his children. His children love him more than words and explain they are so proud to have Charley as his father.. we thank God every day for Charley and their father God please watch over my husband and my children’s father in heaven. Watch over us Charley we love you to the moon and back….
Love you
Your Doll Face “Carol”
All Your Kids Your soon to be Grandson
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