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Skyway Bridge Lights Up Blue and Green to Honor Organ and Tissue Donors

Across the county Blue and Green Day is celebrated on April 17th during National Donate Life Month


In honor of National Blue and Green Day, April 17th, the Sunshine Skyway Bridge lit up in blue and green colors to shine a light on the importance of organ and tissue donation and honor local donors. This breathtaking display for donation awareness was made possible by St. Joseph’s Hospital, whose hospital staff spearheaded the effort, as part of our Hospital Workplace for Life Campaign to collaborate with hospital partners to increase donation education in the community.

Across the country 112,000 men, women and children wait for a life-saving organ transplant. Around 5,400 of those individuals live in the state of Florida. Even during the COVID-19 pandemic organ donation continues to help save the lives of those patients who are desperately waiting for a transplant.

In 2019, thanks to the generosity of 262 donors and their families, LifeLink® of Florida provided a record number of organs for transplant, with 756 lives saved. LifeLink credits that success to the support of donor families, the forethought of individuals who chose to join their state donor registry, continuously improved processes, staff commitment to excellence, strong hospital relationships, and community partnerships and public education.

Individuals are encouraged to light the way for others by registering to become an organ, eye and tissue donor at www.LifeLinkFoundation.org.


Photo courtesy of Alicia Manautou.
