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Say "Yes" Today

Rev. Julius Wynn

Hello September and a new face in the LifeLink Faces of Transplantation Calendar - Then and Now edition!

Then...Rev. Julius Wynn, Kidney Recipient 2014 calendar participant  

Now... A visit to a nephrologist to investigate some unusual symptoms turned into a diagnosis of end-stage kidney failure for Reverend Julius Wynn. He was immediately placed on dialysis and realized that his one chance of long-term survival was a kidney transplant. His story was shared with family, friends, and the church congregation where Reverend Wynn pastored, in the hope of finding a living donor. After Sunday services one day, a member of his congregation surprised Reverend Wynn with the news that she had already been evaluated as a living donor, and was a match for him; she donated one of her kidneys to him. Since receiving his transplant, Reverend Wynn celebrated his 25th anniversary as a pastor and his 34th wedding anniversary with his beloved wife. He is happy to spend time with his five grandchildren and looks forward to his retirement and plans to play a round of golf, a favorite pastime, at the Pebble Beach Golf Course in California. Reverend Wynn is extremely grateful for his donor, still a member of his church, for saving his life and allowing him to be with his family. 
