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Say "Yes" Today

Juan Eduardo Rivero

Hello March and a new face in the LifeLink Faces of Transplantation Calendar. Meet Juan.

Juan was living a normal life, dedicated to his family, work and sports, when he was unexpectedly diagnosed with cardiomyopathy, a disease that causes the heart to enlarge. Juan’s condition was so extreme he felt fatigued while performing basic tasks and doctors told him he needed to consider the option of a heart transplant. Juan did not think twice, his courage and faith in God gave him the strength to take on his difficult situation with optimism. After receiving his heart transplant, Juan felt life made sense again, surrounded by the unconditional love of his family and partner, who were the keys to his recovery. To everyone’s surprise, Juan competed in the 2014 Transplant Games of America for Team Puerto Rico in both doubles and singles tennis, and demonstrated there were no limits to achieving his dreams. Juan is thankful to be able to once again enjoy sports, including cycling. Today, Juan is grateful to his heart donor and encourages others to register as organ and tissue donors.
