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Efrain Tirado

Hello August and a new face in the LifeLink Faces of Transplantation Calendar - Then and Now edition!

Then...Efrain Tirado, tissue recipient 2003 calendar participant  

Now...In 1993, at only 26 years old, Efrain was shocked to be diagnosed with sarcoma of the femur—cancer. He underwent aggressive treatment and, thanks to a tissue donor, received a bone transplant which helped save his leg. Efrain has been able to live his life without limitations. He pursued a career as a civil engineer, later became an insurance adjuster, and is now a successful real estate broker. Efrain says he “was lucky to meet Ambar in 2005,” who became his bride in 2007, and to have an opportunity to build a life with her, their boys, Dylan and Dereck, and their dogs, Teddy and Sadhu. 
