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Burpee-Scott Memorial Chapel Kicks Off Flag-Raising Program To Honor Organ & Tissue Donors with a proclamation.

WARNER ROBINS, GA – (March 14, 2016) – Burpee-Scott Memorial Chapel signed a proclamation February 26, 2016, to kick off a program honoring the generosity of organ, tissue and eye donation, and to call attention to the more than 122,000 Americans, 5,550 of whom are Georgians, awaiting a lifesaving transplant today. During this initiative, Burpee-Scott Memorial Chapel will raise a Donate Life flag each time they lay to rest an individual who has become a donor, thereby saving and improving the lives of patients in need of transplantation. The flag will be flown for three days as a reminder to funeral home staff, visitors and the community of that individual’s generous decision.

The decision to become and organ donor can potentially save the lives of eight people, and improve the lives of dozens more through tissue donation. Donation, with the primary exception of living donation, occurs after death and deciding to register as a donor does not impact one’s medical care should an illness or accident occur. People of all ages can choose to donate and help others in need, and donation is supported by all major religions as a personal choice and act of generosity. Donation places no financial burden on the donor’s family.

Today, we encourage everyone to follow the example of those individuals whose gifts will be noted by Donate Life flags, and take action to save lives. Register on Georgia’s organ and tissue donor registry to become an organ and tissue donor by visiting

Visit LifeLink of Georgia at for more information about organ and tissue donation. LifeLink of Georgia is a non-profit community service organization dedicated to the recovery of organs and tissues for transplantation.
