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Baxter Family

Hello April and a new face in the LifeLink Faces of Transplantation Calendar. Meet the Baxter Family.

Felicia was a friendly young woman whose mom, Jana, said would make friends with just about anyone, especially those who might have felt left out. While traveling home from a babysitting job, the vehicle Felicia rode in was involved in a fatal collision. Shortly before her death, Felicia discussed organ donation with her mom, so when Jana was approached about end-of-life options for Felicia, she honored Felicia’s decision to save lives through donation. Jana wrote letters to all of the recipients of Felicia’s organs and has met Ella, who received Felicia’s kidney, Brittany, who received both of Felicia’s lungs and the recipient of Felicia’s heart, Anthony. Jana feels that her daughter’s organ donation has helped heal her grief because Felicia lives on in her recipients; all who have experienced great health since their transplants. Jana said, “Felicia always wanted to help people and now she’s a hero because of her gift of donation. She inspired me to earn an early childhood education degree and I am now pursuing another education degree, in memory of my daughter.” 
