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Birth Tissue Donation

A new baby showcases the miracle of life.

Amazingly, that miracle can bring renewed life to others through birth tissue donation. Birth tissue donation, or the donation of placental and umbilical cord tissue, can be used to help patient’s healing wounds or in various medical procedures. It is a voluntary donation that expectant mothers can choose.

How Can You Say "YES" to Birth Tissue Donation?

  1. Make your physician aware that you would like to donate your placenta at the time of your c-section.
  2. To register online fill out the birth tissue donation interest form below or you can register by phone at 1-877-264-5241.
  3. LifeLink will contact you to provide more information, and to schedule a time to discuss consent and review your medical and social history.
  4. After delivery of your baby, your placenta will be prepared to help patients in need, in accordance with regulatory and safety guidelines.
Birth Tissue Donation Interest Form
  • About Birth Tissue Donation

    The placenta, a membrane surrounding your baby, provides the nourishment your baby needs throughout pregnancy. After your baby is born by scheduled cesarean section, your physician will remove the placenta. Typically, the placenta is discarded at that time, but with your permission, the placenta can be used to help others. The gift of birth tissue donation does not impact your health, or the health of your baby.

  • Who Can Donate Birth Tissue?

    Any expectant mother who has planned a cesarean section delivery may be eligible to donate birth tissue. Prior to birth tissue donation taking place, potential birth tissue donors answer a few questions regarding their medical and social history – similar to those asked for blood donation – to ensure the safety of the tissue. Birth tissue donation is safe and painless. Birth tissue (placenta and umbilical cord) is collected, along with a routine blood specimen.

  • Why Donate Birth Tissue?

    Placental tissue is perfectly formed to nourish and protect your baby during pregnancy.  Placental tissue may be used in the treatment of a variety of patients, which include wounded military personnel and people with difficult-to-treat wounds. This tissue can also be used in ophthalmic and dental procedures.

  • Share Your Birth Tissue Story

    Sharing your birth tissue story will help educate others about the importance of tissue donation. With your help we can bring improved quality of life to others in need of a lifesaving or life enhancing transplant. Click below if you would like LifeLink to feature your story through our website blog and social media outlets.


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